Christmas is a time we love because of the many gatherings with family and friends. In our culture, we celebrate Christmas around the dining table: we enjoy sharing lunches and dinners with our loved ones. But those who have coeliac disease or are gluten intolerant sometimes run into some hurdles that stop them from enjoying these gatherings like everyone else. Is this the case with you or someone close to you? Having a gluten-free Christmas is possible! Below you will find a few tricks and tips to make it happen. Merry Christmas!

First and foremost, planning: the key to a gluten-free Christmas menu

As you would do for any other special occasion, plan the dishes that you will be cooking for each lunch or dinner. This will allow you to organise a complete gluten-free Christmas menu. And if you are planning on eating out, make sure to let the hosts (or the restaurant) know so they can provide gluten-free options for you or your loved ones with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance.

The importance of a shopping list

If you already have a plan for the menu, now you need to do the same with your shopping list. Write down all the ingredients you’ll need for each dish and, in the shop, read the ingredients on the labels carefully to make sure all products are gluten free.

Fresh produce

Fruit, vegetables, meat and fish are always gluten free. Place your trust on them for your gluten-free menus and, for the other ingredients, choose 100% gluten-free options, like Gallo’s gluten-free range.

Watch out for cross contamination!

Be especially careful with this: whatever you do, avoid mixing foods that have gluten with others that don’t. Always cook them separately and using different utensils (frying pans, chopping boards, knives, etc.). In any case, the easiest way to prevent this when there’s someone with coeliac disease or gluten intolerance at home is to prepare the whole menu gluten free. You’ll prevent many issues!

You don’t need to give up your favourite meals

It’s important to remember that having coeliac disease or being gluten intolerant doesn’t mean having to give up all the foods you’ve always loved: bread, pasta, cake, biscuits, etc. Luckily, the industry has evolved a lot in recent years. Gallo has built the first pasta factory to produce exclusively gluten-free products. Therefore, the gluten-free range has all types of pastas (noodles, tallarines, hélices,  plumas, lasagne and cannelloni sheets…). Another option is to enjoy your favourite pasta dishes with  Gallo’s 100% legume pasta range. Delicious and nourishing! And to make desserts, sauces, dough or bread, you have Gallo’s gluten-free mix. Everything you need to enjoy a gluten-free Christmas!

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