How can you make sure that your pasta dishes are truly delicious? The first thing you need to know is that not all pastas are the same. Below, you will learn what really makes the difference in getting that unforgettable flavour. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil to make your delicious pasta dish and, in the meantime, keep on reading! 

As pasta experts, we know well all the secrets that will make your pasta dish your new favourite meal. To make it truly irresistible, the most important thing to keep in mind is to choose high-quality ingredients and the right pasta for each occasion. And, of course, to put in a little effort! Don’t forget that small details make all the difference.

1. The secret of quality

Perhaps when you are rushing along the supermarket aisles you’re not thinking about the difference between choosing one pasta brand or another. They all look alike! But, when it comes to flavour and texture, the different options you will find are totally different. 

What are you really looking for in a pasta? Surely you want an exquisite, soft and light flavour and, of course, you want a pasta that doesn’t stick together and is always cooked to perfection. For more than half a century, Pastas Gallo has done research in order to find the key to what makes pasta truly special. And we have good news: you don’t need to hold a Michelin Star! You just need to choose a pasta made with the best durum wheat and the most thorough production process.

To make sure that the pasta is always cooked to perfection, Gallo makes its pasta with its own varieties of durum wheat made from unique blends created by our wheat experts and produced 100% by local farmers. Because the best seeds of durum wheat are the result of the research and development that Gallo carries out with producers. The result? a unique, pleasant and unmistakable texture, a one-of-a-kind blend of the best durum wheats with Gallo’s quality guarantee and a huge success at the dinner table!

2. The secret of production: a pasta for everyone (or for every occasion)

How many different types of pasta do you have in your pantry? Using the same variety to make different recipes will not make your dish special. Nowadays, Gallo has a wide range of pastas (for different occasions or for different customers) and all of them are made following an exclusive and specific process:

Your usual pasta, just the way you like it

Gallo’s classic range is made up of more than 30 different varieties of pasta made with semolina and water. Nothing more. Nothing less. It is the most versatile range, the one that reminds you of your traditional recipes and the star in most of your pasta dishes. And it is always cooked just as you like it: to perfection! 

The pasta for those who take extra care of themselves

If you take special care of your diet, you will love Gallo Nature: pasta with multi-vegetables or multi-cereals, to add extra nutrients to your dishes. Another fantastic option to look after yourself without giving up the pleasure of an enticing pasta dish is Gallo’s wholemeal pasta range. Did you know that 100 g of Gallo’s wholemeal pasta provides 30% of your recommended daily intake of fibre?

The pasta for those who are always in a hurry

What about those days when there aren’t enough hours in the day? You also deserve to enjoy the best flavours! Discover Gallo PastaFina, a range made with selected wheats and that’s very quick to make. You only need three minutes to cook it to perfection!

The pasta for those who love salads

For those occasions when you are looking for the most intense flavour and the most delicate texture, Gallo’s egg pasta will not disappoint. Each kilo of pasta is made with three eggs, giving the pasta an irresistible texture and flavour.  

These are just some of the many varieties of Pastas Gallo currently available in the supermarket. But there are many more! What type of pasta will you choose today?

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